Menopause: Do I Really Have to Feel This Way?

For some women, menopause is a smooth transition, in fact, for some, it can be a more periods, no more cyclic symptoms of breast tenderness and bloating, no more need for contraception, and, in general,  a more carefree season in life.  But for others, menopause can be a stormy time, with symptoms including hot flashes, insomnia, weight gain, decreased libido, painful sex, weakness, mental fogginess, physical fatigue and loss of life’s daily enjoyments.  It can even affect your family members, because they don’t understand what you are going through. They only know that you are acting differently, and that worries them.  

Many doctors simply feel that menopause is a normal part of life, and therefore don’t view it as an urgent matter.  Some will take the initiative to start you on a standard hormone replacement protocol, but don’t have the time or interest to personalize it, and monitor it safely, so they simply gloss over it at your 15 minute annual exam.   Or, perhaps you have been told that hormone therapy will give you cancer, that you are too old to consider this as an option.  

There is good news and hope!You don’t have to live this way.  Many symptoms of menopause can be controlled, and sometime eliminated, but you have to see the right doctor and the right medical practice to make this happen.  Caring for women with menopause requires an integrated approach involving hormonal balancing, safe hormonal metabolism, diet, nutritional supplementation and exercise. Only through proper testing and an individualized program, can optimal relief, and better health be achieved.  

If you feel this describes you, please consider calling The Center for Anti-Aging Medicine and Hormone Wellness at 484-788-2391 for your initial consultation.  Dr. Peters, will let you voice your concerns in an unrushed, relaxed setting, and he will begin a partnership with you to put you back on the path to enjoyable, healthful living.